As an honour graduate with a Master of Arts degree in Psychological Services at only 23, the plan at the time was to immediately continue on to a PhD program. However, life took a different turn. I learned years later that something greater than me, the Universe, had an even greater plan.
GUIDE, which is one of the premier non-profit behavioural health, social service, and juvenile justice agencies in the Washington, D.C. region was where I did my internship. GUIDE was founded by my department advisor, the wonderfully tough Dr Richard A. Wunderlich. At the end of my internship program, Dr Wunderlich called me into his office and in his signature straightforward way told me that what would make me into an effective and compassionate psychologist was to leave the program, and mature - get to know life, get to know myself, reconnect with my roots, get my heart broken, experience pain and loss… and then continue my academic program if needed. He broke my heart that day, but I listened!
I returned home to Iran, experienced living during a time of war, got married, had children, got my heart broken, experienced pain and loss, and after twelve years, immigrated to Canada. I listened to my mentor, and here I was!
When I personally experienced the hardest period of my life, what I had learned in school didn’t help me get up. What got me up, and the reason for the work I do today was the new “tools” I found along the way to my own healing. A Process called "Hoffman", "A Course in Miracles", "Shadow work" of Debbie Ford, Byron Katie's "The Work", Caroline Myss's "Sacred Contracts", Tao Te Ching, and so many more. What I learned on this new path was to embrace all parts of me. I learned to accept and honour all parts of who I am without guilt and shame and stepped into a journey of loving me. What I offer during my work as a therapist are exactly those tools. Simple, but magical.
I made A CHOICE to be happy and in peace with whatever life presented me; a CHOICE I continuously make every time I find myself facing a challenge!
Love and Light to you my friend.